What happens with my proposal?

Logframe Lab Team

Last Update 3 years ago

When you upload your proposal document, it is first scanned for the result statements with a machine learning model and each of the statements is categorised (most likely the way you have already done it) into the three levels of a logframe (output, outcome, and impact). A second machine learning model, rates the quality of the statements with a score from 0 to 100, as well as with a dichotomous categorization (bad/good) to indicate which statements you might want to improve.

In the indicators section, the proposal is scanned, again, for keywords which identify the topic(s) in your project. This machine learning model compares the words in the uploaded proposal with keywords of our database (70% of the score) and evaluates the semantic in the text (30% of the score) to find the indicators of our database which best fit your project.

No data of your proposal will be saved at any point or used for any other reason than for helping you create your logframe for your proposal. We cannot access your document at any point.

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